Covid 19

Because you matter……

We wanted to let you know we understand that we all faced uncertain times, and the Covid19 crisis is the most extraordinary challenge we’ve all had to face since the 1940’s. None of us could have foreseen the impact this disease would have on our economy, our families and friends, our every day, our health.

We want to assure our service users, Children’s Home support staff, Family Support Workers, Health Care Workers and Adult Social Care Workers that we will continue to keep you safe by regularly managing Covid19 testing and providing you with PPE, for as long as it takes. Our administrative staff are there for you whether they are working from home or in the office and are continuing to support you by maintaining business as usual.

We would like to let those of you who are thinking about working for us, know that we are there to support you every step of the way, whether its interviewing via Zoom or Teams and when you are working for us, we will be keeping in touch with you regularly to ensure you are happy, healthy and safe in your work place.

We remain committed to keeping you safe and remember! Wash hands, Cover face, and Make space.

Keep well and stay safe everyone

The Potton Group of Services