Potton Social Care Services
Potton Social Care Services
Please complete all sections of this form
Please confirm this is the form you require PKS INDEPENDENT SOCIAL WORKER REFERRAL or close this tab to return to the form selection screen.
Please provide details of all children/young people being referred
Local Authority ID Number
Gender/Identifies as (pronoun)
Date of birth
Date of birth
2nd Child /Young person
2nd child/ young person Local Authority ID Number
2nd child/ young person Gender/Identifies as (pronoun)
2nd child/ young person Forename
2nd child/ young person Ethnicity
2nd child/ young person Surname
2nd child/ young person Religion
2nd child/ young person Date of birth
2nd child/ young person Date of birth
2nd child/ young person Language
3rd Child /Young person
3rd child/ young person Local Authority ID Number
3rd child/ young person Gender/Identifies as (pronoun)
3rd child/ young person Forename
3rd child/ young person Ethnicity
3rd child/ young person Surname
3rd child/ young person Religion
3rd child/ young person Date of birth
3rd child/ young person Date of birth
3rd child/ young person Language
4th Child /Young person
4th child/ young person Local Authority ID Number
4th child/ young person Gender/Identifies as (pronoun)
4th child/ young person Forename
4th child/ young person Ethnicity
4th child/ young person Surname
4th child/ young person Religion
4th child/ young person Date of birth
4th child/ young person Date of birth
4th child/ young person Language
Home Address Including Postcode
Full Address
Parents/carers Details
Parents/carers Relationship
Parents/carers Gender/Identifies as (pronoun)
Parents/carers Name
Parents/carers Ethnicity
Parents/carers Contact Number
Parents/carers Language
2nd Parent /Carers details
2nd Parents/carers Relationship
2nd Parents/carers Gender/Identifies as (pronoun)
2nd Parents/carers Name
2nd Parents/carers Ethnicity
2nd Parents/carers Contact Number
2nd Parents/carers Language
Any Special Communication Needs? If so please provide details
Referral Details
Name of Referrer
Role of Referrer
Contact Number of Referrer
Email Address of Referrer
Name of Authorising Manager of Referrer
Brief History of Case and Current Situation/Reason for Assessment Being Required
History /Reason for Assessment
Assessment Details
Type of assessment required (eg, PAMS, Parenting, SGO etc)
Preferred assessment start date
Date for final report to be filed
Name/relationship to child of person/s being assessed
Ages of all children involved in the assessment?
Please give details of any additional information that the ISW should be aware of (For example, dates for mid-way meetings)
Risk Assessment - Child, please provide details e.g. whether this is current or historical. If YES, how would you like this to be managed by the worker?
Has the young person/child(ren) displayed any sexualised/challenging behaviour?
Has the young person/child(ren) shown aggression towards other children or to adults?
Are there any other risks that may be posed by the young person/child(ren) that the ISW need to be aware of?
Risk Assessment – Adult/s, please provide details e.g. whether this is current or historical. If YES, how would you like this to be managed by the worker?
Does any adult residing in the home have issues of alcohol, solvent, or other substance misuse?
Has any adult residing in the home ever displayed sexualised behaviour towards children or adults?
Has any adult residing in the home ever displayed physical threats or violence towards a professional?
Has any adult residing in the home ever displayed verbal or racist abuse towards a professional?
Is any adult residing in the home engaging in, or have a history of, criminal activity?
Are there any other risks that may be posed by any adult residing in the home that the ISW need to be aware of?
Please provide details of where invoices for this service should be sent (Please note, referral will not be accepted if this section is not completed)
Name of contact for invoicing
Role of contact for invoicing
Department of contact for invoicing
Email Address of contact for invoicing
Telephone number of contact for invoicing
Authorising Manager
Date requested
Send Form
+44- (0) 1268 968 541
Potton Kare Services
+44-(0) 7966 937 103
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